Raising children is like negotiating with drunken, bi-polar pirates. Kids can take your household hostage. They often come off as being demanding and entitled – not showing any appreciation for what they have.
This behavior takes the joy out of your household. You can’t take trips, so all family members suffer. You’re embarrassed around family and friends. You begin to worry about their mental health and ability to live in the world.
In this module, you will learn:
- How to use the ‘Jedi mind trick’ to get your calm back and diffuse the most difficult moments
- How to LIVE with your kids – Listen, Identify, Validate and Explore
- Explore the power of questions – how, not why
- How to use the power of agreement to move them to a healthy and effective conclusion
- How to get them to the point where THEY say, “That’s Right!”
- Explore how you can move your kids from being a pirate to being an adult you like and enjoy